Welcome to Paediatrics & Neonatology

At Suyog, the department of paediatric care consist of a highly skilled team of paediatricians that offer the best out-patient, in-patient and intensive care services. The team offers expert intensivists and trained staff to ensure compassionate care and swift recovery of the babies. The Doctors provide expert counselling and consultations to the patients/child's family members. The team focuses on complete care and the special needs of the new borns. We, in fact, are very proud & confident of our ultra-modern NICU set up & trained staff for new born care. The paediatricians also make sure to offer apt lessons to the patient’s attendants and help them recognise the issues well. The department of paediatrics stresses on providing delicate care to the children and treat them with extreme compassion. Vaccination of newborn and children are done with utmost care taking all the safely measures and maintaining the quality of vaccines.

NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)

Intensive care specialists at Suyog are dedicated to ensuring the survival of the new born babies who are critical. Our best trained specialists work round the clock to revive critically ill ones. They also manage the Neonatal Intensive Care Units efficiently, ensuring that the complete team of doctors, nurses and paramedics work in liaison, using strict protocols to diminish infections, complications and ensure swift recovery.

welcome to suyog care
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